job interview by phone
Career & Jobs

Some good habits to adopt during a job interview by phone


Always remember, that these phone calls often come unexpectedly. It is therefore quite normal that you do not know who is on the other end of the line before the person you are talking to shows up. If you are expecting a call for a job offer, always try to answer any call with kindness, availability and benevolence . Who knows, it may be your future employer on the phone.

As inopportune as that phone call is, it’s best to always answer it right away . Not answering or calling back later can sometimes exclude you from the selection. Then find the quietest place possible in your environment to take the call. If this should take you a moment, kindly ask the person you are talking to to wait a few seconds.

If you are already in the right place, then switch to “candidate” mode. Focus on the position in question and the company calling you . If you are the careful and well-prepared type, you will always have notes with you to remind you of important details. In that case feel free to use it, because remember, your interviewer can’t see you.

However, body language is not just a visual thing . The interlocutor cannot see you of course, but on the other hand he can perceive certain things through your voice. So do not hesitate to smile and reinforce your point with your body as you would in the presence of your interlocutor. You have no idea how influential this will be! Avoid, however, moving unnecessarily. If you climb the stairs, for example, while you are on the phone, your voice will be affected, your more sustained breathing will convey an impression of stress.

Of course, try not to interrupt your recruiter . Let him finish and, if you have any doubts, say so before answering.

Measure your speaking rate . A never-ending monologue can bore or drown your interviewer in too much information. Listen carefully to the questions and answer in an open, natural and relevant way. Watch your language tics and avoid excessive repetitions of words. Although, to be honest, it happens frequently in these stressful times. Try to be yourself and show your best side.

Try to remember all the information you provided when applying. Make sure you don’t doubt and don’t make mistakes. If necessary, keep your resume and notes with you, although this is not always practical.

End your phone conversation on a positive note to leave a good impression on your interviewer . A little optimism and friendliness don’t hurt. You will never be criticized for being polite and well mannered.

Be yourself, as natural as possible when talking on the phone with your recruiter. If you have prepared well beforehand, you will be able to give the best of yourself more easily.

Frequently asked questions and recommended answers during a telephone interview

We have listed below some questions that you will surely be asked to answer during these interviews . You can train yourself or with someone. It is above all a question of being as natural and sincere as possible.

1. How would you define yourself?

There you cannot improvise, you must have already prepared the answer to this question . Be measured and sincere, never bragging unnecessarily, but mention and expose your value with honesty. Highlight the aspects of your personality that correspond to the position you are applying for. Having already researched the company you want to work for will guide you in sorting through your skills to select the ones that are best suited for the job and will set you apart from the rest.

2. What training do you have? Would you be ready to get back into training?

Value the fact that any new training experience brings value and that, in your case, you have been able to put each of them to good use. If, for example, you ended your university studies prematurely, then make sure that this is seen as proof of character that shows that you know what you want and what you don’t want. Also be aware that the questions about your preferences are aimed at determining your compatibility with the position to which you aspire. If you’re emphasizing literature, art, or biology when applying for an accounting or finance executive position, it might come across as a little inappropriate.

Knowing how to listen to the questions is essential before formulating your answer.

3. Have you worked so far? Why did you quit your job?

Always be honest and explain what happened. Mobility is a fashionable value today, and we all know that nothing is ever constant and that some things change. It is important, however, that you have prepared your answer to this question: improvising could lead you to say things that are irrelevant . If, for example, you seem to be slanderous about your former employers, your interlocutor may think that you might be slanderous about him as well. So avoid criticizing your former bosses or co-workers and end your speech with what this situation will have brought you positive

Never speak ill of your former bosses or former co-workers. Would you hire someone who is easy on criticizing the people you work with?

4. How would you describe your best friend, your partner, your mother…?

Be careful, there is a trap in this kind of personal questions. It’s not so much your response that really matters, but rather your ability to react to an unexpected situation . This new trend aims to change the pace of the conversation and see how you react. Try to respond calmly and positively. Remember that what you say is not more important than how you say it.

5. What do you know about our company? Why would you like to work there?

Again, this is a question that deserves to have been prepared in advance. The information you gather about the company in question will help you find the connection between the ethics of this company and your personality . Express your interest in wanting to be part of it in a “win-win” way. Show that you know what you are talking about and that you are a candidate ready to invest yourself and bring more to the company.

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